Georgia State University is here to support its students across all ways as they learn. This site contains information on your primary digital learning resource, iCollege, as well as a myriad of other tools and tips designed to aid in creating assignment material, studying, skills development and more.
iCollege Digital Learning Environment
Training and Learning Resources
Getting Started with Your Learning Tools
DLL Technology Training Workshops
Online Technology & Professional Training
Upcoming Workshops
Tips for Digital Success

What Can I Do to Succeed with Digital Tools at GSU?
Whether you’re a new or returning student, this page has key tips to leverage your learning tools and the resources you have as a student to strive for better grades and increase career readiness skills.
What can I do to set the stage for success?
Setting Up Your Personal Devices
A vital step in setting up for success is to make sure your personal devices are set up and stay updated throughout your time at GSU. Many technology concerns can be resolved by running operating system or software updates.
- Use this article for additional information on recommended technology to use with iCollege.
It’s also important to make sure you have reliable internet. If connectivity is problematic at home, keep in mind on-campus computer labs, campus library locations and community libraries as options for alternative locations for completing coursework and joining virtual lectures.
- If you’re concerned about secure public network access, consider using the GSU-supported Virtual Private Network (VPN).
Find Your Course Online
iCollege has all the courses that are on your course schedule. Each course on your schedule has a corresponding iCollege course.
- Review these iCollege tips to get started.
- Make sure you know your CampusID and password.
- Log in to iCollege.
- Search and pin your iCollege courses for easy access.
- Join a learning tools workshop at the start of the semester or use one of the recorded resources here.
Get Microsoft Office Suite for FREE!
The full Microsoft ProPlus Office Suite is now available for FREE to faculty, staff and currently enrolled students at Georgia State. The GSU Microsoft Office Suite page will give you more information on downloading and accessing the software (available for a variety of personal devices).
Other Software
The Learning Tools section will have information on other software and technology you may be asked to use or that you might find helpful in your classes. Make sure to check it out.
Also recommended is the University-Licensed Software page.
Why is the syllabus and content section so important?
The Syllabus
You’ve probably heard (or will hear) that you should read through your course syllabi. Here are some reasons why and things to look for:
- Instructor’s preferred contact mode (ex. iCollege mail vs. Office 365 (PantherMail)).
- Office hours
- Class calendar – Due dates, Assignments, Tests/Quizzes
- Keep an eye out for conflicts and talk to your instructor ASAP!
- Attendance requirements and expectations.
- Grade breakdowns – What each assignment is worth, how the final grades are calculated, etc.
- The syllabus gives you a great basis to ask questions about the course. Reach out to your instructor for clarity; the earlier, the better!
iCollege Content Section
The Content section of an iCollege course is searchable. It is also broken up into modules (sections within the course) which are generally ordered from top to bottom as you progress through the course. Using the content section, module to module, can help you stay on track and keep from missing important steps (i.e. a reading to do prior to an assignment).
Academic Integrity
As you move through your course, working on assignments and assessments, it’s important to keep in mind the integrity of your course work. Georgia State University takes academic integrity very seriously. Learning skills to ensure the integrity of your work will set you up for success in all your employment endeavors.
The Georgia State University Library and your librarians are ready to help with all research and citation information to ensure success.
For more information on academic integrity at GSU, we recommend watching the following video.
How can I be a good communicator at GSU?
Announcements – Listen and Be Aware
Inside iCollege, you have announcements on your general iCollege home page showing university-wide information, as well as announcements in your courses which your instructors can use to make you aware of important course news.
You can adjust your announcement notification settings to ensure you stay on top of notices even without being logged in. Additionally, you can utilize the Pulse app to check in on announcements from your mobile device.
Communication Preferences
Regardless of whether you’re talking about instructors or classmates, listening to and communicating regarding contact preferences will help facilitate smoother lines of communication.
- Use the syllabus to identify your instructors’ preferences for communications (iCollege mail vs PantherMail), as well as their office hours (in-person or virtual).
- If you have plans to talk with a classmate outside of class, first touch base about how you each communicate best. For instance, which email they prefer for class work, are they comfortable talking on the phone, does meeting online work for them, etc.
- For group projects, determine what way will work best for collaborating on your assignment (ex., sharing files over Office 365) and what is the best method for meeting outside of class (in-person, virtually, or a mix) that works best for everyone’s schedules and technology.
Note: if someone expresses concerns or is uncomfortable regarding a particular communication mode, be respectful of that. There could be many reasons why that mode doesn’t work for them.
Virtual Course Discussions
The discussion tool in iCollege, found under the Assessment menu, is a valuable tool for virtual class discussions and sharing ideas throughout the course. Here are some tips for thoughtful participation in iCollege discussions:
- Start your discussion post(s) early.
- Check back frequently for new posts/comments.
- Actively respond and interact with your classmates.
For more information on your communication tools, look to the Learning Tools section.
Communicating Professionally - LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning is a great resource with a VAST library of courses and videos to help with a variety of professional activities, such as writing emails.
Example Courses to Consider:
How can I stay on top of my deadlines and assignments?
Schedules, Calendars and Checklists: Oh My!
- Create and follow a learning plan and schedule time for studying and logging into iCollege by blocking off time each week for each course (in-person, online and hybrid).
- Scheduling Best Practice: For every credit hour listed for the course, you should spend an average of two hours of time outside of class on course assignments and content.
- Online Courses Note: Online courses take special planning/consideration. Watch the video below for tips on success in your online courses.
Online Course Tips
- Review the syllabus for course timeline and deadline information. Make sure to transfer those deadlines to your Outlook Calendar and/or any other calendar/planner tools you use.
- Note: Some instructors may have things set to populate your iCollege calendar with due dates and information linking to the assignment. You can use your calendar in iCollege, subscribe to the calendar, or follow iCollege calendar events through the Pulse App.
- Create project checklists to help make sure project and assignment elements are completed. Microsoft OneNote is a great tool for creating checklists and organizing digital notes.
For more information on building a solid schedule and plan for success, reach out to the student success office and their Academic Coaches.
In developing your schedule make sure to reserve time for you. Time to decompress and re-set. Time for supporting and maintaining your personal/social relationships. This time is vital to your continued success at Georgia State University.
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning has resources and courses with different strategies surrounding time management. We encourage you to take a look and find strategies that will work well with your work/study style.
Are you not as comfortable or confident with computers as you'd like to be?
Many students from all backgrounds feel like they don’t have the skills or knowledge of computers they feel they “should.” This is okay, and GSU is here to help with resources to build up your comfort level with computers and make you that much more confident heading to the workplace.
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning is a great resource with a VAST library of courses and videos to help with many software you might encounter (ex., the Microsoft Suite of tools) from beginner level to advanced.
One we recommend is “Working with Computers and Devices,” a course that will give you a good grounding to feel more confident overall in how you use both your personal machines and those across the campuses.
DLL Tech Training
The Digital Learners to Leaders program offers a wide variety of FREE technology, software and professional development workshops to all Georgia State students, staff and faculty. Some workshops they offer include, but are not limited to:
For a complete list of offerings, please go to visit the DLL Tech Training web page.
How do I find and request help with learning resources?
Help Desk
You can reach out to our Technology Service Desk to get help with iCollege or other technology needs. Visit for information about resetting your password, accessing how-to documentation and submitting a help ticket.
Website: help.gsu.edu | Phone: 404-413-HELP (4357) | Email: [email protected]
Tips For Requesting Help
Phoning help desk – This is a good way to reach out in the case of immediate concerns and situations where you can actively troubleshoot the situation with the technologist you’re speaking with.
Emailing – This is a great way to interface with the help desk and provide a full picture of what is happening. Keep in mind the following when emailing your request:
- DETAILS, DETAILS, DETAILS – The clearer you are, the quicker questions can be answered.
- Does the situation affect a specific course? Then you’ll want to list the course name, number, section and instructor.
- What browser are you working on? (Chrome, Firefox, etc.)
- What kind of device? (Mac, PC, Chrome Book, etc.)
- Screenshots are a huge help! – Especially regarding error messages or helping show what you’re seeing. People often use different terms, so the screenshots add clarity.
- CCing your Instructor – If the situation is affecting the timely completion of an assignment, discussion, quiz or other activity in your course CCing your instructor does two things:
- Informs the instructor there is a problem happening (you may not be alone).
- Shows that you are being pro-active to resolve matters.
- DETAILS, DETAILS, DETAILS – The clearer you are, the quicker questions can be answered.
In-Person Help
The GSU CATLABS (available across campuses) can help with answering questions in person. Here are some examples of support tasks they can help with.
Using Step-By-Step Help Documentation
Our self-service knowledge base repository has help documentation for university services and software. In fact, many tool-related sites and materials across GSU web pages will link to the knowledge base.
Knowledge Base – When searching, use a variety of keywords until you find the article you need.
Learning Tools

The categories below contain information on the digital tools available to GSU students (including ways to download or access where applicable). Many of these tools are crucial to your academic success.
If you have questions about any of the tools listed below, please reach out to us by emailing [email protected] or giving us a call at 404-413-HELP (4357).
Note: This is not a comprehensive list of tools supported by GSU, and your instructor may opt for different technologies within a particular course.
Click on any category below to view a list of associated learning tools, use cases and tips for success!
Learning Tools
- PantherMail (Outlook Student Email)
- iCollege Mail
- iCollege Announcements
- Brightspace Pulse
- iCollege Discussions
- Peer-to-Peer Chatting Tools
- Accessing Webex through iCollege
- Downloading Webex App
- Microsoft Teams Chat Feature
Use Cases and Tips for Success
Here at Georgia State University, there are many avenues for sending/receiving communications and information regarding your courses, as well as helpful information pertaining your to student community.
Digital Mail – PantherMail and iCollege Mail
Keep in mind these are two separate systems and it’s IMPORTANT to review your course syllabus or iCollege course announcements for your instructors’ preferences on whether they will predominantly send/receive messages to/from your PantherMail (Outlook) or to your iCollege Mail inbox. Adhering to your instructors’ preference will help ensure timely responses.
iCollege Announcement
The university and your instructors will make use of announcement fields for important notices. In addition to logging in to see them you can follow these via your Brightspace Pulse mobile app or by adjusting forwarding settings under your notification preferences in iCollege.
Chat Tools – Webex and Microsoft Teams
Both of these tools provide options for peer-to-peer chat or group chatting/communication options. These are great choices if you have group projects or study groups. Both can also be used with desktop or mobile apps. In addition, Microsoft Teams can be used from a browser accessed through PantherMail (Outlook).
Learning Tools
- Webex tools in iCollege
- Connecting to Webex Teams in iCollege
- Main Webex (General Site and Information)
- Microsoft Teams Meetings
Use Cases and Tips for Success
Inside of iCollege your instructor can set-up one of the course menu options with a variety of tools under the Webex (or communication) menu heading inside a course.
- Classroom Collaboration – connected to the Webex group chat tool.
- Virtual Meetings – both upcoming and recorded meetings
- Office Hours – this tool allows you to directly schedule time during virtual office hours.
In addition, course lectures, virtual events and meetings throughout the school year are hosted via Webex. Note: hosts, including for course lectures, can record meetings (it doesn’t happen automatically). So, if you may want access to a meeting recording make sure to ask ahead of time.
Should you wish to host a meeting, this is something anyone can do by logging on to the GSU Webex page to host a meeting. Meetings can be one-on-one or multiple people, whatever you’re wanting at the time.
Another tool you have for hosting/attending meetings outside of iCollege is Microsoft Teams. It is a matter of preference whether you choose to use Webex or Microsoft Teams. You’re encouraged to explore all your tools and resources.
Learning Tools
Use Cases and Tips for Success
In some instances, you may be asked or have the option to deliver a presentation virtually. This could be pre-recorded or a live delivery. Two GSU supported tools that easily enable the completion of these assignments are Kaltura’s suite of tools and Webex. NOTE: both allow you to include a presentation aid like PowerPoint.
Kaltura – Kaltura’s ‘Kaltura Capture’ will allow you to screen record select areas of your monitor (such as one showing PowerPoint) as well as video and/or audio of yourself. The video will then upload to your ‘Kaltura My Media’ where you can attach the video to an assignment to turn it in.
Webex – You can host a live presentation, as well as simply record a presentation with no audience and share the video file. Webex is especially useful with group presentations (live or recorded). NOTE: Webex meeting recordings are automatically added to the host’s Kaltura My Media.
Learning Tools
- iCollege Assignments
- iCollege Discussions
- Microsoft Office365
- Microsoft OneDrive
Use Cases and Tips for Success
If your instructor requires that you submit externally created files to assignments or discussions, you have access to a suite of tools from Microsoft as a student. You can access them online (Office365) and save files to the cloud via Microsoft OneDrive. Additionally, you can download Full Versions of the Microsoft products to your personal machines.
Learning Tools
- iCollege Quizzes
- Playposit Video Quizzes
- Kaltura Video Quizzes
- Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor
Use Cases and Tips for Success
Your instructor may choose to conduct an online quiz, test or exam. Many of these quizzes/test/exams will be timed and they may require that you use specific proctoring technologies and/or adhere to a particular set of procedures.
Parameters about specific quizzes will most likely be found in your syllabus, but when in doubt ask your instructor. If something happens to prevent you completing your online quizzes, it’s important to immediately let your instructor know and when needed reach out to our help desk by emailing [email protected] or giving us a call at 404-413-HELP (4357).
Learning Tools
- iCollege Calendar
- iCollege Gradesbook
- Skills Briefcase (coming soon)
Use Cases and Tips for Success
There are many tools that can help you stay on top of your progress as a Georgia State University student. Directly in iCollege you have access to a Calendar tool. In some cases, your instructor will set-up deadlines in a way that items will populate to your Calendar. Calendar notifications can be set-up, such as using the Brightspace Pulse App, to remind you of coming deadlines.
Additionally, your instructor may communicate grades and other skills achieved on individual assessment elements in iCollege using the iCollege “gradebook”. This can help you see how your grades combine toward your course grade. Learning more about your grade book can help you take charge of your overall course grade. NOTE: Most course syllabi include details on grading policy and grade breakdowns.
Technology Resources
Student Success Programs
Contact Us
Instructional Support
Instructional support is available online between 8:30 a.m. and 5:15 p.m.
Atlanta - Library South, Room 100
Tel: 404-413-4700 | Map
Alpharetta - AA2170
Decatur - SC1148
Newton - 1N3120
Clarkston - CL 1201
Dunwoody - NE2903