In accordance with FERPA guidelines, starting May 8th, 2017, any university employee that needs access to protected student data in iCollege courses must have their access approved by the Registrar and/or Legal Affairs if they are not listed as an “instructor of record” in GoSOLAR.
Roles with access to protected data requiring Approval
- Instructor: This role allows access to create content, engage and communicate with students, and view/create grades and assessment information. The iCollege Classlist will identify this person as an instructor.
- TA Full Access: This role is similar to an instructor but the person will be identified in the iCollege Classlist as a TA rather than an instructor.
- TA Grader: This role only allows access to the iCollege gradebook and activities that need to be assessed. A person assigned this role will be listed in the iCollege Classlist as a TA rather than instructor. This role is not able to modify content.
iCollege Roles Not Requiring Approval:
- Student
- Instructor Auditor: An Instructor level role without the ability to see students’ grades and edit course content.
- Guest Lecturer: An Instructor level role for visiting/guest lecturers. Not able to edit course content. Not able to see students’ grades.
- Student Auditor: Student-level role. Grades do not appear on course gradebook.
- TA Designer: Able to edit course content. Not able to see students’ grades.
For more information or to request access for your TA to your iCollege course, please see Requesting Access to iCollege Courses.