To support quality course design and delivery, CETLOE provides a variety of resources for faculty, including design checklists, compliance resources, a sample online course, and access to resources from the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) and Quality Matters (QM).
Our comprehensive set of design recommendations is based on SUNY’s OSCQR Rubric. When CETLOE design teams engage with faculty on course development projects, this checklist anchors our conversations and helps us track progress.
This do-it-yourself (DIY) checklist was built for faculty interested in doing high-level reviews of their own courses.
Grounded in an asset-based approach, the Diversity Readiness Suggestions Checklist was designed for faculty with a particular interest in making sure that their online courses reflect and honor student diversity. For more information on asset-based approaches, visit CETLOE’s Embracing Diversity with Asset-Based Pedagogies webpage.
Based on the career readiness competencies published by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), the Career Readiness Suggestions Checklist was designed for faculty with a particular interest in supporting students’ development of career-relevant competencies.
- Kyle M. Townsend, Robinson College of Business
QM, OLC and Digital Promise Resources
Georgia State University faculty have access to resources provided by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) and Quality Matters (QM). The OLC provides free access to many resources, including several quality checklists, as well as free or discounted access to workshops, conferences and certificate programs. Quality Matters provides research-supported standards and faculty-centered services to ensure the quality of online education and digital learning, including many freely available resources on research and best practices from the community such as QM’s Bridge to Quality Course Design Guide. QM’s professional development and course/program review and certification provide a variety of pathways to institutions and faculty to reach their quality assurance goals. To access these OLC and QM resources, create accounts with these organizations using your Georgia State email address. We also encourage faculty to check out the excellent resources made freely available by Digital Promise and the Institute for Applied Neuroscience.
RSI & Instructional Time Resources
Ensure compliance with Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) requirements using our RSI checklist. For more information about RSI, visit CETLOE’s RSI overview page. Also, we encourage faculty to review Asynchronous Learning Activity Time Equivalencies (.pdf) and use this Course Workload Estimator to ensure compliance with Georgia State’s credit hour policy.
Contact Us
Instructional Support
Instructional support is available online between 8:30 a.m. and 5:15 p.m.
Atlanta - Library South, Room 100
Tel: 404-413-4700 | Map
Alpharetta - AA2170
Decatur - SC1148
Newton - 1N3120
Clarkston - CL 1201
Dunwoody - NE2903