Melody Kelley
Faculty Associate, Teaching Effectiveness Perimeter College, STEM Education- Education
Ph.D. Chemistry (Organic Chemistry), The University of Alabama
- Specializations
- Innovation in STEM Education - Transparent Teaching/Inclusive Pedagogy/Trauma-Informed Pedagogy
-The Hidden Curriculum of Higher Education
-General Faculty Development
- Chemical Education
- The Hidden Curriculum of Higher Education as a framework for course and Institution Level Interventions
- Group Instructional Feedback Technique (G.I.F.T.)
- Strategic Initiatives Involving the K-12 Education Sector
- Biography
Melody Kelley is an Associate Professor of Chemistry in Georgia State University’s (GSU) Perimeter College and a STEM Faculty Associate in the GSU Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Online Education (CETLOE). She currently specializes in operationalizing evidence-based pedagogical practices to serve culturally diverse, underserved, and non-traditional student populations in the Metro Atlanta area. In CETLOE, Melody develops and leads faculty trainings, works with CETLOE’s new Success Through Advancing Teaching Effectiveness (STATE) Program, and delivers workshops on a variety of pedagogies.
She has had the honor of being an invited speaker at the Southern Regional Education Board’s (SREB) Annual Institute on Teaching and Mentoring as well as serving on the Advisory board for the new SREB Center for Innovative Faculty Development. Melody is currently developing a pedagogy series for faculty related to Core IMPACTS career competencies. A participant in the 2024 cohort of the GSU Leadership Academy for Women Faculty (sponsored by the Office of Faculty Affairs), Melody’s commitment to service extends beyond academia to her extensive involvement and leadership in the local community.